Highlights - The Video Game

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Just a tiny update.

Spring break is officially over for me and I got a whole lot accomplished! I'm still digging for something to share with you guys, but everything is either a mundane panel or a spoiler of some sort, that would ruin the feel of the first journey...

It's quite a dilemma, but in any case it's looking good! I'll likely do some sort of caption post in the very near future, since it's been a while and boy are they popular! I have a few ideas in mind, the problem is how to organize them. The last round was a game-related theme, I think this time I'm going to attempt a film noir short.


  1. Getting excited for what you have going on. Hope school isn't keeping you too busy from the fun.

  2. Still awaiting Anniversary Gift chapter 4.
    So excited.
