Highlights - The Video Game

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Chapter 3 of TAG will be a little late.

I feel really bad that I have to write this, but I don't think I'll meet my deadline of having this done by tomorrow night. I'm hoping to finish up the very last of my renders this evening and then I can continue putting the comic together.

So far I've been doing a rhythm of renders and then pages, but these last two days have been render, render, render... lol. I know those that deal with creating poser/daz comics will understand, but for the rest of you, please know that this is a lot of work and I've been working my butt off to get you all this next part.

I'm really sorry that I likely won't meet this deadline, but I should definitely have it before the middle of next week. Thank you all for the support so far!

(I'm going to post a copy of this on my DeviantArt page as well)

<3 Kara.


  1. Its fine ^^

    You are providing us all with an artistic piece and good entertainment.

    No need to apologize, really we should be for putting so much pressure on ya. ^_~

    Finish when you finish and keep loving what you do


    1. Don't get me wrong, I love that you all anticipate my work. It's so wonderful that people like it. I just bit off more than I can chew with this deadline is all. :)

      I really appreciate you guys being fans of my creations.

  2. Hello. I just recently discovered your comic. You do really amazing work. May I ask, how long does it normally take you to do a chapter?

    1. I'm so glad you enjoy it!

      It's really hard to gauge how long these things take. This next chapter is the first time I've actually been doing both renders and the comic layout together. Plus I'm really new to the program...

      I'd say it's taking me about 2 and a half weeks for a chapter (around 180 different renders), but it's really exhausting at this pace... lol.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, I'm doing my best to get the next part out.

  4. i Love this comic!

  5. Take your time, you don't even have to apologize XD

    Its awesome that you care enough about what you do to take time and delay it. Id rather that then for you to rush and not enjoy what you do!

    Take your time and enjoy your comic, but now I really can't wait XD


    1. I'm as impatient as the most impatient of my fan base, lol. So I'm definitely going as fast as possible to get this out, but I'm doing my best not to cut any corners.

      I actually had a bit of a delay in going back to render an entire scene from this chapter, just because I felt it didn't flow well enough. :p

  6. Hola Tseudo, me gustaria saber si todavia sale hoy? ^.^.^.^.^.^ Please????

    1. Today likely won't happen, but tomorrow is a strong possibility. Thursday at the latest. :)

    2. Gracias por contestarme Tseudo ^.^.^

    3. Um.. Hoy no puedo. Tal vez mañana. Jueves, a más tardar (Google translate)

  7. Hi I'm Tom, I'm french and I just wanted to say that I really like what you're doing!! It's great and you're really talented at it! Can't wait for the next thing! keep going!!

  8. Just an update: Tomorrow is looking very likely. I'm sorry for the wait and thank you all so much. <3

  9. I can't to wait *.*

  10. I cant wait to see what hapens

  11. Lol still late ? Any updates ?
