Highlights - The Video Game

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Gamer Girl Caps - Round 1 - FIGHT!!!

Even though I'm working hard at getting this next chapter of TAG out, I don't want to suffer from content withdrawl. Trust me, I need the inspiration as much as you guys!

So I decided to throw together part 1 of a fun little TG idea I had, something that wouldn't really stick as a story with me (at least not in the near future), so I decided to turn a current interest into a new round of captions.

This round features a one-shot and a short story I put together for you. If they tease your taste buds like they're supposed to, then perhaps I'll release a second round in the very near future... But I'm gonna make you earn it.

The more comments I get to this post (and you can post as Anonymous if you choose) the sooner I throw together round 2... Muahahahaha!

Show me that you deviants like these, that you want more! After you enjoy the following morsels of course.


  1. I fucking love your captions, comics and pictures. I love the bimbos, huge tits and big lips you give them. Please never stop. You're super awesome!

    1. Thank you, I hope I can continue to keep this hobby alive :)

  2. Love the cursed game one lol Need more Jeff an Doug =3

    1. You know, after posting that and rereading it, I really wish I had the time to turn it into a story or even a comic... Sadly my free time is booked for right now. :(

  3. i'd love to see more from the cursed video game, as a lot of potential

    1. It may at least make a comeback in another caption or two... but you'll just have to wait and see :)

  4. brainwash men in women!!! its my favorit

  5. This has been one of the best things I saw this year. What a nice set of pictures/captions! I'm glad you're doing more things often. the whole concept of the video and gamer thing was great!

    I feel a bit uneasy busting your balls, but... Is there an estimated release date on the 3rd chapter of "Anniversary Gift"?

    1. Oh how the tables have turned. lol I'm so glad you're anticipating my next chapter as much as I was a Jinxed update. I still have many renders to go, but I'm hoping I can have something ready before this time next Sunday.

      Also, I'm glad you enjoyed the captions! There are more to come from this category.

    2. Yeah, we swapped roles with this one!
      Great news, I'll wait, take your time!

  6. Great Caption yet again!!

    Keep it up!

