Highlights - The Video Game

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Anniversary Gift - Chapter 2

The second chapter is finally done! I can see myself growing with this program as I upload this and all of the wonderful feedback so far has been fantastic!

The next chapter won't likely be for another two weeks, due mostly to holiday chaos and end of semester chaos... I also have to generate all of the renders from here on out as I go. The first two chapters were almost completely rendered before I uploaded anything, but luckily I'll also have more time on my hands.

As always, you can view this chapter online over at g.e-hentai or download it directly from my mediafire folder.

I love any and all feedback! Boost my ego and maybe I can fire the next one out even sooner.


  1. The hole thing is going great, it's very promising! loved the ending, and loved how he fights himself and feels awkward in that body!

  2. Your work is awesome... and I do mean AWESOME. Everything from the reactions of the faces to the story. The general story is somewhat standard(Cheating boyfriend and all) but the scenes you put together are pure genius. I just wanted to leave this comment to let you know that ill be watching to see what you put out next, Very Awesome work!

    PS. I also looked at your caps... plz do more .. plz? XD


    1. Thank you! I planned on creating a nice render to celebrate the holidays and my increasing fan base on DevviantArt.

      I'll see if I can't throw a few caps together before the weekend's out. They're fun filler content I suppose. :)

  3. great job , I love it

  4. loving it hun, can't wate till next installment. great work.

    1. Doing my best to get this out in a timely manner. Glad you enjoyed it :)

  5. I'll like to see how it ended

    1. I'm hoping everyone will be pleasantly surprised. As of right now, I plan on two more "main" chapters to the story after this one, then a possible special.
