Well now that the
third chapter of TAG is out, I'm taking some time to interact with all of my wonderful fans and friends I've made so far. First off, I want to thank you all for being so supportive and inspirational during my venture into the world of TG art. Without such a positive response, I doubt I'd ever even try to explore my abilities and discover these wonderful new hobbies. Thank you all so much! With that said, I have two things up for bat right now:
1) I'm doing a fun little interactive TG with all of you that wish to participate. In celebration of the release of TAG Chapter 3 and having over 200 fans on my Deviant Art page (Not to mention all you sneaky reoccurring visitors), I'm giving everyone the opportunity to inspire me. Not only am I testing a new art style that I think I really like, but I'm doing so by transforming two annoying men into the most popular requests.
All you have to do is leave a comment on the picture below (or this blog post), more details are in the description...
[ Click to go to the Deviant Art posting]
2) And secondly, I'm willing to give a little of my real self to the community. I've never felt as welcomed as I have been these past few weeks. The community of TG artists and fans (fetish or otherwise) is fantastic. So I'm willing to participate in a few rounds of "Ask Me Anything." With some restrictions of course.
So if you have any questions about me or you'd just like to get to know me a little better, feel free to respond in this journal entry with it and I'll reply to the best of my ability!
Again, thank you all so much for the love!
<3 Kara